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Services in Education

I can help where needed, get up-to-speed quickly, and add value to any team in a low-friction manner. I care about the end product and the experience of all team members getting there.

I have experience delivering the following services:

Course Audit

Do you have an existing course or program that you wish to improve? I can audit an existing course, learning experience, or supplemental resource for your next project.

Cognitive Gap Analysis

Are you facing an issue and unsure if an education component is required? I can help create a cognitive gap analysis where we attempt to quantify the issue you are facing and estimate an ROI before you invest in a new educational initiative.

Project Consultant

Are you responsible for rolling out a new training initiative? I can assist your team to achieve the business outcome that you desire. Developing a new program can be challenging, and if you are not familiar with education projects it can feel like you are spinning your wheels.

Teaching and Facilitation

Do you need a passionate instructor who cares about the student experience? I can teach your course, facilitate workshops, and support your team.

Custom Development

Do you want to create a custom learning experience for a team or individual? I have designed and delivered non-traditional experiences (not listed on this site) that have helped shape new behaviour.

Contact Jonathan

Are you involved in a project and not sure where to start? Sometimes, we need to talk it out. On the contact page you can message me or book a 15-minute no-obligation meeting to discuss.

Click here to visit the contact page