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EXSM 3937 - SQL Fundamentals (Databases)

Read an overview of my role as an instructor for EXSM 3937 at the University of Alberta in 2023


EXSM 3937 - SQL Fundamentals (Databases)

EXSM 3937 SQL Fundamentals provides a comprehensive understanding of SQL and relational databases, covering concepts such as data normalization, table creation, data manipulation, and core SQL commands, preparing students for real-world scenarios and advanced SQL queries.


EXSM 3937 imparts a comprehensive understanding of SQL fundamentals and relational databases. The curriculum encompasses critical concepts such as data normalization, table creation, table relationships, data manipulation, subqueries, and more. In addition, students learn to proficiently execute core SQL commands, including select, insert, update, delete, create, alter, drop, join, and transactions. Further details about the course are available on the official course landing page .

Course Cohorts

  • EXSM 3937 LEC WI1 - Winter 2023 - SQL Fundamentals

Course Design

As an instructor, my approach was to foster an engaging learning environment through lectures, group exercises, and individual assignments. The classroom atmosphere was open to promote active participation and encouraged group discussions and peer-review exercises.

To address diverse levels of SQL experience among students, I designed a variety of assignments with intriguing storylines that aligned with the learning objectives. Assessments were conducted through quizzes, assignments, and a final project to gauge students’ understanding of the material.

Instructor Notes

My role as an instructor allowed me to guide students toward mastering SQL fundamentals. The diverse assignments and assessment methods allowed me to gauge their progress effectively and cater to their unique learning needs.


On successful completion of EXSM 3937, students are equipped with practical SQL skills. They can apply these skills to real-world scenarios and are prepared to delve into more advanced SQL queries. This course forms a solid foundation for their future database management and manipulation pursuits.