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Business Agility with MMVP Website, Learning Experience Design

Read an overview of how I taught new entrepreneurs the essentials of publishing content to the web and helped them build a MMVP website in an afternoon.


Business Agility with MMVP Website, Learning Experience Design


I authored and instructed a one-day course titled “Business Agility with MMVP Website.” This latest iteration is designed as a workshop to prepare students for my no-code page builder called Orbit . ACTI has given me a great opportunity to work first-hand with my audience, and I always gain insights from discussing the challenges each student faces as well as their adaptive strategies.

This course is part of a series I am developing, designed to help offer my greatest value to new entrepreneurs who are just starting their journey and need to understand the challenge of getting their business online.

Course Cohorts

Title Detail Attendance
Cohort 1 Summer 2023, Class 124 12
Cohort 2 Fall 2023, Class 125 14
Cohort 3 Winter 2024, Class 126 14
Number of Cohorts: 3 Total Students: 40

Course Author

I have an evolving narrative constructed around “how to build a website.” This course was designed to complete the latest iteration. The full-day course runs from 9:00am to 3:00pm with an hour lunch break. The schedule is designed to allow room for students to ask questions, there are multiple “stop and check” breakpoints written into the presentation.

In the morning session we cover three sections: “How did this course come to be?”, “A new perspective on website development”, and “Planning the most minimal viable business website”. This is all theory, and all three sections are aimed to help the student better understand the problem, and understand background knowledge required to appreciate the proposed solution.

The third section in the morning provides students with the opportunity to create their own website content which is a requirement for the afternoon.

In the afternoon students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they learned to three personas. The goal here is to gain a second perspective on the topics, and reduce the barrier to practicing the concepts by solving other people’s problems.

In the last section students will actually build their site using my no-code builder. Their site will be live immediately and they can test in the own browser and share the how they wish.


This course is fun to teach. I mention above that it is a great opportunity for me to practice listening to the students. Many of the students actually fall into the target market for my no-code builder, so I think of the course as an opportunity to let the students help me help them.

I have added many smaller exercises to foster a dialog around the topics. I like to create the type of environment where students can learn from each other as they are interacting with the content.


This is the second iteration of my main course with ACTI, and I believe is course does offer more immediate value to the ACTI students. As such, I believe my process to be successful so far.

I have come to believe that there is another deeper issue for the students. I am still working this out but I believe students might actually benefit from more insight into owning a business operations mindset and validating their ideas. I believe I will keep the Orbit course with ACTI, but might develop other resources accessible through this site.


  • updated the presentation for Cohort 2 to include more opportunities for students to apply what they learned through conversation around tasks and content