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Previous Instructor for EXSM 3931 - Introduction to Web Development

Read an overview of my role as an instructor for EXSM 3931 at the University of Alberta in 2022


Previous Instructor for EXSM 3931 - Introduction to Web Development

EXSM 3931 Introduction to Web Development is a comprehensive course that equips students with fundamental skills and knowledge in web development, covering topics such as version control, data analysis, web-hosting options, and quality assurance.


EXSM 3931 Introduction to Web Development, a course part of the University of Alberta Web Development certificate program, offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of web development, including version control, data and logic analysis, web-hosting options, tools, and quality assurance. The course equips students with key skills such as effective computer navigation, using common development software, and understanding the basics of web development. It also imparts knowledge about basic web-hosting options, highlighting the importance of quality assurance in successful software projects. The course description can be found on the official course landing page .

Course Cohorts

Course Design

Various teaching methodologies were employed to foster an engaging and effective learning environment, including lectures, interactive coding exercises, and in-depth discussions on version control and basic web-hosting options. Emphasis was also placed on the importance of quality assurance. Due to the ongoing circumstances, the course was delivered online, with additional support for students. New resources such as examples, tutorials, and supporting slides for existing instructional videos were developed to enhance learning. Students’ understanding and progress were evaluated through quizzes and assignments.

Instructor Notes

As the instructor for EXSM 3931, I found immense satisfaction in empowering new students, particularly through teaching command line techniques. The interactive nature of the course fostered a stimulating learning environment, and it was rewarding to witness students gain confidence in their abilities and express interest in furthering their web development education and career opportunities.


The opportunity to teach EXSM 3931 was rewarding and enjoyable, largely due to the exceptional cohort of students. The course successfully equipped students with fundamental web development skills and instilled a keen interest in exploring further education and career opportunities in this field.