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EXSM 3933 - Design for Developers

Read an overview of my role as an instructor for EXSM 3933 at the University of Alberta in 2022


EXSM 3933 - Design for Developers


EXSM 3933, a course part of the University of Alberta Web Development certificate program, centers on teaching design principles and tools to developers to enhance user experience and usability. The curriculum covers key areas such as layout, color theory, typography, images, forms, and the significance of collaboration between designers and developers. The comprehensive course description can be accessed from the official course landing page .

Course Cohorts

Title Detail Attendance
Cohort 1 LEC SU1 - Summer 2022 19
Number of Cohorts: 1 Total Students: 19

Course Design

I developed a comprehensive presentation deck supplementing the original course material to ensure a robust understanding of design principles. This led to a detailed lesson plan encompassing lectures, interactive activities, and group discussions. The course design was adaptable, catering to the diverse learning needs of the students. Assessments were conducted using pre-quizzes and assignments to gauge student progress and understanding.

Instructor Notes

Teaching Design for Developers leverages my proficiency in both design and development domains. Equipped with experience, I delight in fostering empathy between designers and developers through practical exercises and discussions. This course allowed me to share my expertise and learn from insightful student interactions.


The experience of teaching EXSM 3933 was highly rewarding. The course enriched students’ design skills and empowered them to apply them in subsequent project courses. In addition, the learning environment fostered a balance between theory and practice, encouraging students to integrate design principles into their development projects. This resulted in a positive impact on the students’ outcomes and success stories.